Friday, June 11, 2010

Uruguay and beyond

Defrost the fridge and see what you find.
Ah yes the end of another winter and everything is growing.
There are things going on out there friends.

I was flat on my back for the last couple of weeks. Hernia operations are nothing to sneeze at.
In fact sneezing is pretty hard to do without a jolt of pain after the knife 14 days ago.
But now I have emerged from the tome.
Pale faced and a little wobbly I took my first jog this morning.

Uruguay was a eye opening experience.
Squeezed between the two megs countries Brazil/Argentina It turns out Uruguay is a tasty morsel in a Goliath thumb and forefinger of the most formidable So. American territorys.
It is a miracle it has not been swallowed up like a little M&M as an afterthought amidst such powerful influences.
In a word it's a gem of the continent and land which is like the people 'Tranquilla'
Rolling green grazing land as far as the eye can see. Not over run by people trying to survive.
But spacious and fresh open and friendly.
A language which does not sound like Spanish but is.
It's a language which feels like the place and voice which sings loving acceptance and easy living.

It was my great fortune to make acquaintance with many of the good working folks.
From all around the country and the So American continent.
The regular people using their soul and wits to make a living and give of them selves.
Once again reminding me how good people around the world really are.
These experiences vanquishes my doubts about if we as a human race will be OK or not.

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